Buckwheat Panne Cotta (Гречневая панна котта)
Surprisingly, buckwheat is very useful in desserts! This panna cotta grits give the beautiful color of baked milk and a pleasant aftertaste. Serve dessert with walnuts or popcorn.
Buckwheat - 200 g
Brown sugar - 70 g
Milk - 550 ml
Cream 33% - 300 ml
Agar-agar - 15 g
Pour 440 ml of milk into buckwheat and leave for 4-8 hours at room temperature.
Strain the milk through a fine sieve into a saucepan.
Strain the milk through a fine sieve into a saucepan.
Add another 110 ml of milk to the saucepan (as some of the milk will be absorbed into the cereal). Bring to a boil and add sugar and agar to the milk. Boil for a couple of minutes until all ingredients are completely dissolved. Finally, add the cream and remove from the heat.
Add another 110 ml of milk to the saucepan (as some of the milk will be absorbed into the cereal). Bring to a boil and add sugar and agar to the milk. Boil for a couple of minutes until all ingredients are completely dissolved. Finally, add the cream and remove from the heat.
Stir the finished mixture thoroughly, arrange in the molds and put in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours (preferably overnight). Bon Appetit!
Stir the finished mixture thoroughly, arrange in the molds and put in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours (preferably overnight). Bon Appetit!
Удивительно, но гречневая крупа весьма кстати и в десертах! Этой панна котте крупа придаёт красивый цвет топлёного молока и приятное послевкусие. Подавать десерт с грецкими орехами или воздушной кукурузой.