Spicy sauce Tkemali green hot 360ml Glass Georgia
MIMINO Tkemali sauce from Georgia, something you should try whilst you are still alive! People do have different taste, but most Georgians agree that they can not imagine their lives without this sauce! Tkemali is the Georgian sour sauce made of wild plums. Use Tkemali with a combination of different meals. For example with fried potatoes, it creates a unique taste. Enjoy your meal!
Tkemali is a Georgian sour plum sauce made of cherry plums – both red and green varieties. Red sauce is cooked from ripe plums at the end of summer, while green Tkemali is prepared from unripe plums in the Spring. Tkemali is used for fried or grilled meat, poultry and potato dishes, and has a place in Georgian cuisine similar to the one tomato sauce has in Australia.
Зеленый ткемали (острая подлива)
Ткемали — это традиционное грузинское название диких кислых слив, а также приготовленного из них пряного кислого соуса, остренькой подливки к картофелю или к мясным блюдам. Зеленый Соус Ткемали готовят из недозрелых весенних плодов сливы.