Use mustard powder to add a tangy kick to salad dressings, sauces, potato or tuna salad, and to make your own mustard.
Basic Mustard Recipe
1/2 cup mustard powder
3 tablespoon water
5 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
optional 1 tsp turmeric
optional 1/2 tsp sweet paprika
For mild mustard, combine the water and vinegar and bring to a boil, then mix in the dry ingredients.
Using boiling hot vinegar and water will significantly reduce the nose hit from the mustard powder.
Use cold liquids for hotter mustard. For variations, try substituting a dry white wine or lemon juice in place of the water.
Mustard seeds/powder can be any type: mild, regular or oriental. Add whole or crushed mustard seeds after completing the basic recipe. They absorb a lot of liquid. If extra liquid is needed, consider using vinegar first.
You can experiment with numerous other spices and flavours.
The most popular additions are turmeric and paprika.
Use this recipe as a base to create flavoured mustards to your taste.
Honey mustard dressing.
This is one of the easiest shake-and-pour dressing recipes ever. Mustard, honey, vegetable oil, vinegar, and a pinch of salt go into a mason jar, and in seconds you’ve got a deli classic, perfect for topping a salad of iceberg or romaine.
Mustard powder is one of the best natural dish cleaners due to its ability to repel fat.
It’s a universal tool that is perfect both for washing clothes or dishes and cleaning various surfaces.
Mustard has excellent fat dissolving properties, so it is very useful in the kitchen.
To clean the gas stove, prepare a solution of a glass of water and two to three tablespoons of mustard powder. Apply the slurry on the dirty surface with a wet sponge and leave it for 10 min. After that, wipe the stove with a sponge and rinse it. Repeat if necessary.
You can wash dishes with mustard. To do this, mix a tbsp of baking soda and three tbsp of mustard in a half-litre jar. This solution can remove any dirt from dishes, but if you do not have enough foam add a little soap. This detergent will wash away any grease and will leave no stains.
Wash silk and wool items with mustard.
The first way
Put 15 grams of mustard to a litre of water, stir well and leave it for 2 – 3 hours.
Drain the liquid into a bowl with hot water.
Add hot water to the remaining mustard, settle it, and then drain again.
Wash clothes once, if they are too dirty - twice each time using fresh mustard liquid.
Thoroughly rinse the clothes with clean water. For woollen clothes, add a teaspoon of ammonia per 1 litre of water, for silk – 1 tbsp. of vinegar per 1 litre of water.
The second way
Wash wool and silk clothes with grease spots in the infusion of mustard. In addition, the fabric shrinks and fades less than you wash it with usual detergents.
Put dry mustard (1 cup) to a little water and make a slurry.
Rub the slurry through cheesecloth in warm water (40-45 Celsius above zero) and brew it for 2-3 hours.
Wash the clothes without soap or detergent; change the infusion of mustard 2-3 times.
Rinse the silk clothes for the last time in the water with vinegar (take about 5 tablespoons per 10 litres of water).
Mustard is useless for cleaning cotton clothes.
You can use mustard as a detergent in a washing machine. Just 50 grams per washing will make your clothes fresh and clean. Put the mustard directly with clothes into the drum. The temperature should not be more than 40 Celsius above zero; otherwise, the mustard will not work. If there is stubborn dirt, then first apply mustard on the spot, and then put it in the drum.
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