What is the difference between TIPSON teas and other teas?
We use a single origin – 100% Pure Ceylon teas in our blends. Skilled specialists with over several decades of tea experience select only the best tea for TIPSON. Most of our designs/shapes are unique to us as we have invested a lot in R&D. We are small. Therefore, we can offer you a more personalized and flexible service than others. Only the highest quality packaging materials have been used to ensure freshness, convenience to consumers and quality of the overall product. Freshness is an important fact in tea quality and in differentiating brands. TIPSON is packed right where the tea is grown. TIPSON guarantees a fresh cup of tea in each of their products, just a few days after the tea is harvested.
The miracle of TIPSON Green Fresh tea is made out of the newest bud and young leaves and steamed to maintain its health benefits. This refreshing drink is best consumed after a meal as it has been done for centuries.
Ingredients: 100% Pure Ceylon Green, medium-sized YH tea (Young Hyson – slightly larger than Pekoe teas, nicely rolled & shotty) from the high mountainous tea gardens of Ceylon. 100% natural, no additives. |